Tuesday, 2 January 2024

Petrobras puts platform vessel into pre-salt production

Petrobras informs that it put into production today the Sepetiba platform vessel, in the Mero field, Libra block, in the pre-salt Santos Basin. 

This is Mero's third production system, with the capacity to produce up to 180 thousand barrels of oil a day and compress up to 12 million cubic meters of gas. The platform is an FPSO, or floating production, storage, and offloading unit. 

FPSO Sepetiba is part of a production system that includes drilling and preparing the well for production (completion) of eight producer wells and eight water and gas injection wells that are being interconnected to the unit. 

The unit has innovative technologies to increase production efficiency and also enable the CCUS (Carbon Capture, Utilization and Storage) activity, where CO2-rich gas is reinjected into the reservoir and reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere. 

Petrobras chartered the FPSO Sepetiba from SBM, which also built it, to be the third production unit in the Mero field, out of a total of five, since two are yet to be installed. 

Mero produces around 230 thousand barrels of oil and 15 million m3 of gas every day. It is a unitized field, operated by Petrobras (38.6%), in partnership with Shell Brasil (19.3%), TotalEnergies (19.3%), CNPC (9.65%), CNOOC (9.65%) and Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A (PPSA) (3.5%), as the Federal Government's representative in the non-contracted area

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