Saturday, 30 December 2023

Petrobras on natural gas flow and processing

Petróleo Brasileiro S.A. – Petrobras informs that together with Equinor Energy do Brasil Ltda. (Equinor) signed the contracts for the Campos Basin Integrated Natural Gas Flow System (SIE-BC) and access to the Cabiúnas Gas Treatment Unit (UTGCAB)

With the signing of these contracts, Equinor will be able to transport natural gas from the Roncador field, located in the Campos Basin, from January 1, 2024. Equinor has a 25% stake in Roncador, while Petrobras is the operator of the field and holds the other 75%. 

The SIE-BC is made up of sea and land pipelines owned by Petrobras, which connect to the UTGCAB, also owned by Petrobras, located in Cabiúnas, Rio de Janeiro. 

In this way, Petrobras complies with the provisions of the Gas Law, negotiating access to infrastructure and enabling the diversification of agents in all links of the natural gas chain. Petrobras currently has contracts to share the infrastructure in the Santos Basin (SIE BS and SIP), the Catu Cluster (BA) and the Cacimbas Cluster (ES)

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