Monday, 6 May 2024

Seatrium Secures FPSO Topsides Integration Contract with MODEC

Seatrium Limited (Seatrium or the Group) is pleased to announce that it has secured a Floating Production Storage and Offloading (FPSO) topsides integration contract from longstanding customer, Offshore Frontier Solutions Pte. Ltd., a MODEC Group company. 

The contract scope of work covers the installation and integration of topside modules onboard the FPSO Errea Wittu, and includes completion and commissioning support for MODEC. 

Mr Marlin Khiew, Executive Vice President, Oil & Gas (Americas) of Seatrium, said, "We are pleased to be working with our longstanding customer, MODEC, on yet another FPSO topsides integration project, solidifying our position as the industry leader in FPSO conversions. Through our strong partnership and unwavering dedication, including decades of collaboration with MODEC, we continue to deliver cutting-edge offshore solutions that redefine excellence. Leveraging our deep engineering expertise, international yard footprint, and strong track record, Seatrium provides innovative, reliable, quality, and value-added offshore and marine solutions for our esteemed customers." 

The FPSO Errea Wittu will be deployed in the Uaru Field, Stabroek Block, approximately 200 kilometers offshore Guyana. The FPSO Errea Wittu is expected to have a production capacity of 250,000 barrels of oil per day (bopd), water injection capacity of 350,000 barrels of water per day (bwpd), 540 million cubic feet per day (mmscfd) of gas production and a storage capacity of two million barrels of oil. 

Over the years, Seatrium has built a strong track record in the FPSO space, including delivering a significant number of FPSO projects for MODEC since its first FPSO conversion Whakaaropai in 1996. The Group is currently undertaking integration work for FPSO Bacalhau, which will be operating in the Bacalhau field, Santos Basin, offshore Brazil. Separately, BrasFELS, Seatrium’s yard in Angra dos Reis, Brazil, is also currently executing topside modules fabrication for FPSO Raia.

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