Tuesday, 20 December 2022

Production starts at Tinrhert Field Development project in Algeria

SONATRACH announces the completion, end of November, of the production start-up of Tinrhert gas field towards the existing units in Ohanet, Wilaya of Illizi, whose gradual production started in July 2022. 

This project involves the construction of a collection network allowing to connect 36 gas wells from the Tinrhert field to the separation and compression facilities located in the nearby Ohanet field. 

As a reminder, this development program was entrusted, in January 2019, to the National Company ENGCB, SONATRACH’s subsidiary, for its collection and connection part and to Petrofac Int. LLC for the construction of separation and compression facilities. 

The commissioning completion of the surface facilities from Tinrhert gas fields to Ohanet has led to a production level of 4.5 million m3 /day of gas, 500 tons/day of LPG and 800 tons/day of condensate, thus exceeding the expected forecasts for this project.

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