Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Enbridge Line 3 Replacement Project Receives MPCA Approvals and Remaining DNR Permits


Today Minnesota Pollution Control Agency announced approvals for Enbridge's Line 3 project, including the 401 Water Quality Certification. Also, today the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources released the final eight permits for the project. 

 "Clearly this is a big day for Line 3 in Minnesota," said Leo Golden Vice President of Line 3 Execution. "These authorizations and approvals are an important step towards construction for this safety and maintenance focused replacement project which comes at an important time for Minnesota."

 This decision from the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, including the project's 401 Water Quality Certification clears the way for a determination from the US Army Corps of Engineers regarding federal permits. The Line 3 project has been designed to avoid and minimize impacts to sensitive streams and wetlands.  Enbridge pipelines have coexisted with the nation's most productive wild rice waters for 70 years. 

 The authorizations and permits approved today by the Minnesota DNR range from a license for utility crossing of state land and public water, to water appropriation for dust control, hydrostatic testing and horizontal directional drilling. Enbridge has now received all ten of the DNR permits and authorizations for the safety and maintenance focused Line 3 Replacement Project. 

 The project still needs final permits and authorizations before construction can begin. The thorough, robust, science-based review of the project over the past six years has led to evidence-based approvals. Enbridge recognizes that the permit conditions required by the PCA and DNR are essential for protecting Minnesota's sensitive streams and wild rice waters during construction and planning for post-construction restoration and enhancement. 

 At Enbridge safety is our top priority. Enbridge implemented an effective COVID-19 testing and screening program that has proven effective during our recent Line 3 construction in North Dakota. We will continue to follow the latest guidance provided by local, federal and international public-health and government authorities to protect workers and communities. The project will provide significant economic benefits for counties, small businesses, Native American communities, and union members. Line 3 is a shovel-ready, $2.6-billion private investment that will bring 4,200 family-sustaining construction jobs, millions of dollars in local spending and tax revenues at a time when Northern Minnesota needs it most.

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